Help Getting Started
Looking to determine which level to begin with? Take this assessment and browse the Help Center for answers to all of your questions about getting started with Foundations!
Starting at B Assessment Getting Started With FoundationsThroughout Foundations, students will develop the Five Essential Skills of Reading plus grammar and handwriting skills.
Foundations Online Supplement Planning Guides
Use these planning guides to see how and when to integrate the Online Supplements into your Foundations lessons with ease!
Listed by volume, each concept is identified when/where it is taught, so you can easily use this tool to add in additional readers alongside the appropriate lesson!
Free Foundations Video Instruction
Review all 75 phonograms and explore the spelling behind hundreds of words! Organized by volume and correlated to each Foundations lesson.
Phonogram Review by Volume Spelling Analysis by LessonHigh-Frequency Words Taught in Foundations
Are you curious about which high-frequency words are taught in Foundations? Download these complete lists for extra practice or to print and cut replacements for high-frequency word games!
Foundations C Copywork Supplement
Additional handwriting practice to support any Foundations C student! Available in both cursive and manuscript.
Foundations C Copywork SupplementFoundations Progress Monitoring Checklists
Record your students' progress mastering the skills taught in Foundations.
Standards Taught in Foundations
Take-Home Sets
Facilitate your students practicing at home with these downloadable take-home sets!
Foundations Take-Home Sets